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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 23, Issue 6, pp. 1375-1649

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Mathematical Analysis of Miscible Displacement in Porous Medium

Pierre Fabrie and Michel Langlais

pp. 1375-1392

One-Dimensional Thermoelastic Contact with a Stress-Dependent Radiation Condition

Kevin T. Andrews, Andro Mikelic, Peter Shi, Meir Shillor, and Steve Wright

pp. 1393-1416

A Degenerate Stefan-Like Problem with Joule's Heating

Xiangsheng Xu

pp. 1417-1438

A Free Boundary Problem Arising in Electrophotography: Solutions with Connected Toner Region

Bei Hu and Lihe Wang

pp. 1439-1454

Construction of Approximate Inertial Manifolds Using Wavelets

Olivier Goubet

pp. 1455-1481

Homogenization and Two-Scale Convergence

Grégoire Allaire

pp. 1482-1518

Energy Moments in Time and Frequency for Two-Scale Difference Equation Solutions and Wavelets

Lars F. Villemoes

pp. 1519-1543

Simple Regularity Criteria for Subdivision Schemes

Olivier Rioul

pp. 1544-1576

Bifurcations of Nonlinear Oscillations and Frequency Entrainment Near Resonance

Carmen Chicone

pp. 1577-1608

Limit Cycles in a Cubic System with a Cusp

Wang Xian and Robert E. Kooij

pp. 1609-1622

Eliminating the Genericity Conditions in the Skew Toeplitz Operator Algorithm for $H^\infty $-Optimization

Caixing Gu

pp. 1623-1636

On the Asymptotics of the Jacobi Function and Its Zeros

R. Wong and Q.-Q. Wang

pp. 1637-1649